Privacy Policy

Privacy policy available at this link

M9 District S.r.l., Tax Code / VAT number 03220780278 with registered office in Via G. Pascoli, 9 30171 Venezia – Mestre – Italy (hereinafter referred to as the “Entity” or “Data Controller“), as the Data Controller provides the information regarding the processing of personal data, as defined by the EU Regulation 2016/679 “General Data Protection Regulation” (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”).

Please read this policy carefully and sign it for acknowledgement.


The Data Controller informs that when filling out the Form (hereinafter, the “Form“), it may process the following categories of personal data:

Biographical and contact information – information related to first name, last name, email address, phone number;

Information about how you use the Site – IP address and other information, if any, collected through cookies (information about which is available at thislink


The above categories of data are jointly referred to below as “Data”.

1.1 The Data of the user – Form filler – will be processed exclusively for booking and operational management purposes related to the request sent to the Institution

Legal basis: performance of a contract or pre-contractual measures ex art. 6, first paragraph letter b) of the GDPR.

The provision of data for this purpose is mandatory, as failure to do so will make it impossible for the Data Controller to fulfill the reservation request received.

1.2 The Data Controller may process your personal and contact information for marketing purposes in order to send you newsletters and provide you with information on promotional initiatives related to products and events through automated contact methods i.e. e-mail; it may, in addition, process your e-mail address to send you promotional communications and material related to projects/events/products carried out by the Entity.

Legal basis: consent under Article 6, first paragraph (a) of the GDPR.

Providing data for this purpose is optional, and failure to do so will not affect the reservation request.

1.3 The Data Controller may process Personal Data in order to comply with legally binding requests from judicial authorities as well as to fulfill obligations under laws, regulations or provisions comply with requests from judicial authorities, or to fulfill a legal obligation.

Legal basis: fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject under Article 6, first paragraph letter c) of the GDPR.

The provision of personal data for this purpose is mandatory as failure to do so will make it impossible for the Data Controller to fulfill specific legal obligations.

1.4 The Data Controller may process Personal Data to defend its rights in the course of judicial, administrative or extrajudicial proceedings, and in the context of disputes arising in connection with the existing relationship.

Legal basis: the legitimate interest of the Data Controller ex art. 6, first paragraph, lett. f) of the GDPR in the protection of its rights. In this case, a new and specific contribution is not required, since the Data Controller will pursue this further purpose, where necessary, by processing the data collected for the above purposes, which are deemed compatible with the present one (also because of the context in which the data were collected, nature of the data themselves and the appropriate safeguards for their processing, as well as the link between the above purposes and this further purpose).



The processing of the Data, acquired for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1, will be carried out with the aid of electronic or, in any case, automated, computerized, telematic instruments with logics strictly related to the purposes indicated and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security of the data.


Without prejudice to the personal autonomy of the interested party, the provision of the Participant’s Data, for the purposes indicated in paragraph 1.1 is mandatory as any refusal to provide it may result in the impossibility for the Data Controller to process the booking.


Without prejudice to the communications carried out in fulfillment of legal obligations, the Data collected and processed, may be communicated exclusively within countries belonging to the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) and exclusively for the purposes specified above to companies or entities engaged by the Owner for the execution of activities directly related or instrumental to the implementation of the Project.

In order to carry out some of the processing activities of your Personal Data, the Entity may communicate the same to external entities located in countries that do not belong to the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) (hereinafter the “Third Countries”). The lawfulness of such transfer is, in any case, guaranteed through the means provided by Article 46 of the GDPR, the Entity having signed the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission (supplemented by additional technical/organizational/legal measures).

You may write to the Data Controller at any time, using the contact details below, asking who are the subjects to whom Personal Data are disclosed.

The Data Controller also may collaborate in the implementation of the activity with business partners, with whom it may find itself sharing Data. They may process the Data as autonomous data controllers.

Of the Data processed, may also come to know, the staff of the Group (Fondazione di Venezia e Fondazione M9, Museo del 900) duly authorized to do so.

The updated list of any managers to whom the Data are disclosed is available to you upon request. The Data processed will not be subject to dissemination except in cases provided for by law.


The Data Controller informs you that, the Data will be kept for the period strictly necessary to pursue the stated purposes and in particular:

– as to the treatments referred to in paragraph 1.1, for the duration of the relationship and in any case no longer than the next 10 years;

– as to the treatments referred to in paragraph 1.2, for a maximum period of 24 months, unless revoked;

-as to the treatments referred to in paragraph 1.4, for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the specific obligation;

– as to the treatments referred to in paragraph 1.5, for the time strictly necessary to protect the rights of the Data Controller.


We inform you that the data controller is.

M9 District S.r.l., Tax Code / VAT number 03220780278 with registered office in Via G. Pascoli, 9 30171 Venezia – Mestre – Italy , which you can contact to exercise your rights under the GDPR using the contact details

A constantly updated list of data processors is available by contacting the Data Controller.


You have the right to obtain from the Data Controller, subject to the existence of the legal prerequisite underlying your request:

a) Access to your Personal Data, as provided for in Article 15 of the GDPR;

b) The rectification or integration of your Personal Data in our possession that is deemed inaccurate, as provided for in Article 16 of the GDPR;

c) The deletion of your Personal Data for which the Data Controller no longer has any legal basis for processing, as provided in Article 17 of the GDPR;

d) The restriction of the way we process your Personal Data if any of the cases provided for in Article 18 of the GDPR apply;

e) the copy of the personal data you have provided to the Data Controller, in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format and the transmission of such data to another data controller (so-called portability), as provided for in Article 20 of the GDPR.

Right to object: in addition to the rights listed above, you have the right to object at any time, for reasons related to your particular situation, to the processing of Personal Data concerning you by the Data Controller in pursuit of its legitimate interest. The request to object should be addressed to the following address:

The Data Controller informs you that you may, at any time, revoke any consent you may have given for certain processing with future effect, by a simple written notice to be sent to Such revocation will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the revocation of consent.

The Data Controller will respond promptly to any questions you may have and in relation to your personal information and in accordance with applicable laws. If you have any questions or comments, you may contact the Data Controller at

If he or she wishes, he or she may file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority using the references available at, or take appropriate legal action.

Venezia, July 2023

M9 District S.r.l.