The Corte dei Matti was launched in 2021, at the height of the pandemic. Nonetheless, on the occasion of the European Football Championship, the cocktail bar animated the centre of Mestre, giving life to a series of evenings that, starting with the broadcast of the matches on the mega-screens and thanks to the synergy with M9 and the surrounding realities, made it a protagonist of the local newspapers with the best feedback possible.
Since then, events, exhibitions, concerts, parties, but also informal aperitifs and light after-dinner drinks have never lacked.
The cocktail bar Corte dei Matti has always aimed to offer a slow, quality drinking experience with an international flavor, keeping up with the characteristics of M9. You will be welcomed by a team made up of young, dynamic individuals who are always attentive to their customers’ needs and, as we like to call them, ‘matti’ or ‘crazy’.